10 week Group program

It's a Somatic Transformation, Embodiment, and Healing Journey for Everyone who Wants to Unlock a Whole New Way of Living, Loving and Leading.

Body Holds The Key

I'll show you exactly how to Tap into the Innate Intelligence of your Body that has the power to Heal and Radically Transform every aspect of your life.

Inside this program, you will discover and practice how to:

Create a whole new Mind to Body connection that works in harmony rather than conflict
Tap into the innate intelligence of your body and activate your self-healing superpowers
Remove hidden roadblocks that keep you stuck in old patterns 
Unlock full-body aliveness, increase vitality and enhance pleasure capacity for optimal living.

Story time...

For many years I have been struggling with having little energy and feeling a lack of vitality. 

I never felt at home in my body and spent most of my time lost in incessant thinking and worries of the ordinary mind. 

I was experiencing lots of anxiety, although I was hardly aware of that.

I struggled to manifest things and even if I could manifest something I had such a hard time holding it in my reality for an extended period. 

Whether it was money, relationship, business opportunity, or feeling pleasure in the body.

I felt frustrated and hopeless that no matter how hard I was trying to break free from the repeating cycles in my life and relationship, I was not able to. 

Until I learned that the BODY HOLDS THE KEY to the most profound healing and breaking free from old patterns.

Everything started to change in my life when I was taught how to tap into the innate intelligence of your body that has an incredible power to transform every aspect of your life.

I learned that an incredibly fulfilling intimacy and connection in your relationships, living your big vision and sharing your gifts with the world, as well as living from a place of ecstatic aliveness, an inner sense of safety and well-being are byproducts of being fully embodied, having a strong capacity of your nervous system, and mastering your subtle energy body. 

And this is EXACTLY what I will be sharing in this program. 

Let me guess...

right Now ..

You lack aliveness, vitality, and life-force energy to fulfil your most important projects in life...

You feel disconnected from the body and get lost in the incessant thinking of the mind that is full of worries, anxiety, judgments, and ideas that ''something is missing within you'' ...

You are unable to break free from the repeating cycles in your relationships, health, and work. 

You struggle with manifesting your heart's desires or are unable to hold them in your reality.

You get easily impacted by the moods and priorities of others and often ''lose'' yourself in relationships.

The truth is...

The number one reason you feel stuck, frustrated, and hopeless that no matter what you do things do not change or you feel confused about what's your next best step in life - YOU ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE BODY + IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH THE THINKING MIND.

Most people focus on the outer world and try to change it to shift their reality. But it DOES NOT WORK.

Radical Transformation will only happen when...

The moment you turn inwards and focus on the inner world, create a whole new mind-body connection that works in harmony, embrace your Awareness-Energy nature, and tap into the incredible intelligence and self-healing power of your body, a whole new way of living, loving, and leading opens up for you. 

Unlock the MagicMedicine within your own body

In this program, Instead of focusing on a better Intellectual Understanding of yourself , you will dive into the depths of your body to break free from old patterns into the fullness of who you were born to be.

The Goal

We aim at unlocking the innate intelligence of your body, establishing deep trust, and allowing Bodily intuition to guide you towards your most profound transformation and healing.

The result - You open your system to the flow of love, abundance and infinite possibilities, and experience well-being and joy of coming back home to yourself 

* End old patterns that are holding you back 
* Mind & Body operating in harmony
* Remove hidden roadblocks keeping you stuck
* Access to life force energy that was bound holding you in the survival pattern
* Stronger capacity of the nervous system to hold your big vision
* The Deeper and richer levels of connection and intimacy in your relationships
* Living in the flow + More Synchronicities
* Feeling fully alive
* unlocking deep knowing within...

Some of the facts Why Body Holds the Key to living your best life

* Body consists of physical and subtle energy layers

Body is a doorway to healing & breaking free from the limitations of our conditioning. Through the body, we experience life directly, at the level of raw sensations without labelling, categorising, and storytelling of the thinking mind. When we go underneath thinking into the depth of the body the most profound transformation happens. 

Being present in the body is a key to creating the depth of connection & intimacy in our relationships. It's only when we are in the body, we can drop our psychological defences, open up and be more loving in the moment. Your body is an amazing instrument you can use to increase the flow of love and play at any moment. 

The Body operates as a filtering system. We are bombarded by millions of bites of information at any given moment. If we are present in the body this information is properly filtered through our gut, and heart and rises into our conscious awareness so that we can make sense of it. On the contrary, if we are constantly living in the head, ideas can't land, and we are not able to start and finish things and transform ideas into tangible creations.

When you are disconnected from the body, you get lost in anxious thoughts, fears, and worries. When the mind connects with the body, it starts listening rather than directing and controlling in order to survive. It becomes more grounded, moves away from the stories and becomes available to possibilities, and wisdom. 

Only when we are present in the body, and stop resisting what is by the mind's labelling and categorising, we can access a greater sense of aliveness, inner bliss, and enhance our pleasure capacity.

To get There, this is the journey i will take you through


1. Bridge mind with body & activate magnetic power of the heart

Detach from being stuck in the anxious worrying mind and create a whole new mind-body connection that works in harmony. Harnessing the power of breath, sound, and movement we will practice bridging the mind with the body to open the doorway to the most profound transformation and healing. 

2. Embody awareness-energy nature that you truly are

When you embody your awareness-energy nature a whole new way of living opens up for you. Originally, energy level is where all our problems originate. Working at the energy level from the place of awareness (rather than a conditioned mind) is much more effective and easier than changing the physical world. 

3. Clear out stored emotions, confusion + heal unconscious patterns

With the help of powerful yet simple somatic awareness practices, I will guide you to travel into the depths of the body to break up stuck energy, release trapped emotions, clear out limiting beliefs, and unwind deeply rooted unconscious patterns that are stored in your body and energy field level. 

4. Expand your nervous system capacity 

Become masterful at nervous system regulation and expand its capacity. Untamed love, depth of sexual intimacy, powerful leadership, and fulfilling your life's purpose will require an expanded capacity of your nervous system. 

5. Anchor your heart's desires

To manifest your heart's desires and big vision you need to have space (energetic container) to anchor them in your body.  You can only manifest what you are open to receiving and can hold at your physical and subtle energy body level. 

6. Eros & full-body aliveness

Awaken eros and transform your relationship with pleasure to unlock full-body aliveness, and an increased sense of creativity, operate optimally, and nourish your body with vitality. 

Here is what you will get inside:

Weekly Live transmission & practice group sessions

Weekly home assignments & recorded practices to deepen your experience

Partner practice to allow an incredibly powerful self-to-another transformational experience

2 Q&A group calls to receive on-the-spot coaching

Life time access to curriculum and materials

On going support available via Private Facebook Group 


The program starts the 2d week of May.

Live Zoom Call will happen every Thursday (unless need to reschedule)
It's highly recommended to attend live sessions so that you can participate in practices and assignments. If you are not able to attend the recording of each live session will be uploaded to the Membership site.


Book a Free Discovery call below to learn if it's the right program for you

Or if you know it is, choose your payment option below:

Pay in Full

$ 1,150

3 Monthly Payments 

$ 390

Who is Anna 

My work is devoted to helping individuals break free from their survival patterns, inherited lineage programming and habits of closure, step into their true power, and liberate the authentic, free-in-expression, bold, and loving versions of who they were born to be. 

I have spent more than 11 years in personal development & deep soul transformation, embodiment, and intimacy work and would love to share with you what has helped me on my journey the most and created a deep transformation in my clients' lives.

I am highly intuitive and can see what layers in someone's mind-body-soul are blocking the creation of the desired reality in the most important areas of their lives and how to shift it. 

I serve as a clear mirror for my clients and empower them to create necessary shifts, primarily at the subtle body level.

What some of my clients are saying...

''...Anna is empathetic and can empathise well. She gave me a mirror and triggered me to think about what I want and how I can do this. She is knowledgeable, gives excellent advice but also respects my choices. In short, a very special woman that really helped me a lot.''

Martijn Van Denderen

''...If you get such opportunity I would highly recommend to join the personal coach sessions from Anna. She is not only a great expert in personal development subject, but also a very kind and open person to talk to. Whether you have issues in your private life, keeping happiness and balance or inspiration & motivation – she will have a good advice for you to reach the desirable harmony in your life.''

Serge Gardener

''...Anna is excellent at remaining impartial and this is a wonderful quality that she embodies as she is able to remain focused on your desired outcome and uncover the core issues at hand. She creates a clear pathway for you to reach your destination and gives you the necessary tools and actions steps for you to get there. Any time spent with Anna is a joy and she uplifts my vibration just by being in her presence. I highly recommend her services! ''

Catherine Strawbridge

'' I turned to Anna as I needed some guidance and help as I experienced some anxieties and insecurities in my relationship. It was totally easy to open up to her and she immediately understood what I was going through which was very comforting. She introduced me to completely new approach to work on myself which helped me to know and value my needs and also she gave me many insights on how to communicate better. I really recommend her as a coach and you should not hesitate to reach out to her.''

Magdalena Hulboj

''If you are looking for an amazing coach to help with relationship issues consider reaching out to Anna. She can help you heal broken heart and build up the tools to improve your marriage. A true gem!''

Scott Albin

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